Wednesday, August 27, 2014

3 Day Refresh Review + Before & After

3 Day Refresh Review + Before & After

So you might have seen some buzz around Instagram and Facebook about the 3 Day Refresh. It’s a Beachbody nutrition program that is 3 days long and filled with protein shakes, fiber drinks, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats. People have used it to jump start a healthy eating and fitness routine, get back on the wagon after falling off track for a little bit (ME!), and/or to slim down for an upcoming event.

Coming off of a camping trip weekend at the Lake where I pretty much only ate carbs and chips and dip (and lots of other junk) and yes, Brownies and drank soft drinks, I was in desperate need of a detox. I had way too many YOLO meals and was feeling super bloated because of it — when you don’t get to vacation that often, you go all out!  Needless to say, when I got home and back to reality, the 3 Day Refresh was seriously calling my name! In doing the detox I wasn’t looking to lose a significant amount of weight, just get rid of all the bloat and lean out a bit — AKA I wanted to be able to feel good again!:-)

I went from 118lbs to 113 lbs...

While I may have cheated a little bit on the 21 Day Fix (life happens!), I didn’t cheat while doing the 3 Day Refresh. I mean, it’s only 3 days… you can’t cheat when it’s ONLY 3 days!
One reason I decided to do the 3 Day Refresh instead of a juice cleanse, is that I’ve tried all juice cleanses before and only lasted 2 days because I missed the act of chomping down on something (not to mention the green juices are –blaaaaahhhhhh — disgusting). And I knew I was still getting the nutrients and protein I needed throughout the 3 days because of the jam-packed awesomeness that is in Shakeology. And the fact that you can eat real, whole foods doesn’t make it feel like a traditional cleanse or detox. Okay – let’s get into my nitty gritty 3 Day Refresh review…
It consists of 5 meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. The package comes with the Shakeology, Vanilla protein shakes and Fiber drinks for each day, and you get to choose your fruits, veggies and healthy fats! I love having options :-) The Fiber Sweep is a combination of blended psyllium husk, chia seeds and flax, that thickens when you add water, so it’s important to drink it right away. If you’re curious about the ingredients in the Vanilla protein shakes and the Fiber Sweep, check out the full Supplement Info. While it’s not recommended to drink coffee during the 3 days, you can have tea throughout the day, should you find yourself having mini caffeine headaches (I definitely did!). You will also be drinking LOTS of water over the course of these 3 days (though you should always be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day!).
I will say that Day 1 was tough. I mean, really tough. I think the two days before I started the 3 Day Refresh I was only eating carbs. Pure carbs. All day. So on Day 1 I was going through carb and caffeine withdrawal. I was exhausted and had headaches throughout the entire day. So I highly recommend winging yourself off carbs and caffeine at least two days before you start. But fast forward to Days 2 and 3 and I was feeling great. No headaches and no lack of energy! I kept my workouts to a minimum (walking and my 10 minute ab workouts) so that I wouldn’t require more energy from calories (that I couldn’t have!) throughout the day.
So what exactly do the 5 meals look like?
Shakeology + fruit
Mid-Morning Snack: 
Fiber sweep (tastes like the milk at the bottom of a bowl of Fruit Loops hehe) But drink it fast!
Vanilla protein shake + fruit + veggie + healthy fat
Mid-Afternoon Snack: 
Veggie + healthy fat
Vanilla protein shake + one of the provided veggie-based dinner recipes
They provide you with a nutrition guide that lists out many many options for your fruits, veggies and healthy fats. I chose options that were crunchy, so I would not feel like I was only eating and drinking mushy foods and liquids. Apples, grapes, carrots, cucumbers and hummus were some of my go-to foods.

I’ve been drinking Shakeology on the reg since I did the 21 Day Fix. I was skeptical at first, but now I drink it for breakfast every day and definitely feel healthier and I have more energy because of it. I have better skin, my hair grows faster and is shinier and my eyes are brighter — like everyone always says, if you feel good on the inside, it’ll show on the outside.


Shakeology is PACKED with super foods (see the list of ingredients here), minerals and protein that your body needs to stay energized and refueled after a workout. And the fact that it tastes amazing doesn’t hurt!
Chocolate is really rich. I would blend it with ice, a splash of almond milk and some coffee for an at home frappuccino… or blend it with a banana, nut butter and some ice for a sweet tooth craving fix.
Vanilla is a great flavor to mix with just about anything. It’s not too sweet and still tastes like a vanilla milkshake.
And last but not least, strawberry. Strawberry is by far my favorite. You open a packet and I’m immediately reminded of my childhood… Strawberry Nesquik and Quaker Strawberries n Cream Oatmeal. YUM. My favorite way to eat Strawberry while on the 21 Day Fix was to blend it with frozen berries and a splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It tasted just like a berry-delicious smoothie but I knew it was packed with much more nutrients and minerals than just a standard fruit smoothie.
So what’s the cost?

The 3 Day Refresh is only $30 when you purchase it with a 30 day supply of Shakeology.   
Say whaaat??? Yep! CRAZY DEAL! You save a whopping $40!!
“But why do I need a 30 day supply of Shakeology if the Refresh is only 3 days?” you might be asking… Well! Because Shakeology is what you’re drinking while doing the Refresh, it’s a great way to see continued results once the 3 days are over! I drink it every day and love how much energy I have from drinking it and how I no longer have to take vitamins or supplements. Plus, it’s sooo delicious and filling!
If you’re interested in trying out the 3 Day Refresh, I highly recommend it and I would love to guide you along the way! I always find these things are easier to complete when you have the support of someone who has already gone through it. What’s even more exciting is that starting September 2nd, I will be hosting a 3 Day Refresh & 2 Day Jump Start Challenge Group via Facebook that involves the 3 Day Refresh! It’s a great way to keep yourself accountable, meet motivated and encouraging people, and gain useful information and tips and tricks. I will be posting recipes, providing nutrition guides, meal prepping and meal planning documents, and maybe even giving away some prizes along the way! :-) I would LOVE for YOU to be a part of it!

I hope my 3 Day Refresh review has helped you learn more about the program and its benefits! I would love to answer any questions you might have or speak with you more in depth about it!

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