Join My Fitness Challenge Groups

What are My Fitness Challenge Groups?

Are you aware that 80% of people FAIL at the weight loss program or lifestyle change they choose within just three weeks? Not because the “program” they chose wasn’t good enough, but because they lacked SUPPORT. Think about how much having accountability does for you at work, school and accomplishing general tasks and goals. Yet you do not have that it for one of the HARDEST tasks you face….your health and weight loss. My point is, having an advocate, or health coach that specifically has YOUR best interest in mind, provides you your BEST chance at success. Sure, at the end of the day, YOU are the one doing the work, regardless, but, I am there WITH YOU.

I am a product of the process. I've been there, done that, and is still doing it!

First, you must TRUST the process. It DOES work, if YOU do. I will teach you about food choices and help you learn what best fuels your body. I consider myself a “nutratarian”. I don’t believe in eliminating macronutrients (carbs, fats or proteins), but eating the right ones that contain the most volume of micronutients (vitamins). Calories are secondary to eating the right foods. If you fuel your body right, it WILL perform and feel better than you ever imagined. I will teach you.

My Fitness Challenge Groups are PRIVATE, small groups that I run monthly on the Facebook “Group” platform. I will help you choose a program BEST suited for you and your needs as well as discuss what meal plan is realistic for you. You will get exclusive motivation, recipes, and small daily assignments to keep you accountable and on track.

The benefit to the group is that you get a TON of positive feedback and support while you LEARN. There is always someone “there” to answer or hear your questions. You will learn from me and the other Challengers and will be empowered in the process. As long as you continue to try, commit to the program tools and SHOW UP, you will ALWAYS have unconditional support. Plus, they are just a LOT OF FUN!!!

SO, How much does all this cost?

I do not charge anything extra for you to be a part of my challenges… All I require is the following:

1. I must be your assigned Beachbody Coach. Go HERE, totally FREE!

2. You must be open-minded and willing to share & participate in the group. We have daily assignments/check ins that are designed to help you stay motivated, overcome obstacles, be accountable and grow as a person so that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

Final Note...

I have seen SO MANY women bounce from one diet or pill to the next and waste so much money just to end up with very little results or even ultimately gaining more unwanted weigh and lots of frustration... THIS IS NOT A DIET, THIS is a LIFESTYLE. If you are ready to rip of the bandaid and do what it takes to live your best and healthiest life... THIS is the challenge for YOU!

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