Thursday, May 8, 2014

Where my journey began....

I am a 49 year old mother to 1 handsome boy and 1 beautiful girl. Brock is age 13 and Kaylee is age 8.  I began my fitness journey just a short time ago.  In February, 2014 I participated in the Commit to be Fit Challenge, which when my life began to change.  As you can see, I became a mother a little later than most, I never really lost all my weight after having the kids and then it seemed like, as soon as I hit forty every year after I would gain about 5 lbs.  Well that does not sound like a lot but by the time you are 49 years old it adds up! The past couple of years I have felt the worst I’ve ever felt.  I really thought something was wrong with me! All the while I am trying to keep up with my two active kids.

My family and I had relocated to Tennessee.  I had decided to stay home with the kids and get them acclimated to the area.  I stayed home for a little over a year and decided to go back to work.  That is when I met the person whom has changed my life.  She invited me into her challenge group and within a couple of weeks I purchased the 21 Day Fix. I figured, what the heck I'll give it a shot.  I signed up as a discount coach and took before pictures, my measurements and began the challenge.  The pictures alone made me sick, I just did not realize; so that was definitely my motivation to get in shape!  I started with the 21 Day Fix challenge pack and I will not lie!  I about fell over dead!  But I decided from that moment on that I was going to give it everything that I had and make a change.  I sat my husband down and explained to him how important this challenge was to me and that I needed to feel better about myself.  I was 142 lbs. and that was the heaviest I had ever been.  He agreed to support me! After about 2 weeks I was hooked.  I could see that my body was changing and I was able to do more push-ups and did not have to use the modifier near as much!
21 Day Fix
 After 21 days I couldn't believe how much better I felt.  I had lost 10 lbs.! The 21 Day Fix taught me portion control and clean eating.  I did an enormous over haul of my fridge and pantry and started cooking clean meals and planning out my weekly meals.  By the end of my second round of the 21 Day Fix I had lost 22 pounds.  I love eating clean and I am having amazing energy every day.  I am drinking Shakeology and don’t have that afternoon slump like I used too.  I used to take a nap every afternoon while my kids were in school.  Shakeology also helped me jump start my weight loss and shed the rest of the pounds.  I don't know what I would do without my shake for breakfast every morning!
Now, I get up at 5:00 am and when my husband is out of town, I do my ab fix.  After kids are in bed at night, I do my 30 minute workout for the day. and eat 6 small meals a day with Shakeology being one of them.  I feel the best that I have ever felt in my life.  I have finished the 21 Day Fix and I have actually surpassed my initial goal weight. I am down to 120 lbs and I fit into clothes that I wore before the kids were born!  It's an amazing feeling to look in the mirror and love the person that you are!  I also became a Beachbody coach because I love the products and I have had such amazing results that I wanted to share my successes with others and help them to achieve their health and fitness goals also.  I am able to help people change their lives and get healthy!  I have learned so much over the last 4 months and I want to share it with others!  I truly have found my passion!  I love exercising and eating clean.  My family eats clean and they feel great too. My husband has gone from 210 lbs. to 180 lbs.!  Both my husband and my son just started doing Combat!  Can you believe it???  I can actually do it also!  I can't wait to see where it takes them!  So I’m here to tell you it does not matter if you are 20 years old or 40+ years older, it can be done! You are never too old to be fit and healthy! Check back for updates on my fitness journey!